What to Expect From Amazon’s E-commerce Business in 2022

Despite strong performance in its cloud computing and advertising businesses, Amazon’s  (AMZN) – Get Amazon.com, Inc. Report stock ended 2021 with a gain of less than 7%. The main culprit appears to be the company’s weaker-than-expected e-commerce sales, which have a huge impact on the stock.

Since the e-commerce industry as a whole is poised to keep expanding, let’s dig deeper into Amazon’s e-commerce revenue projections for 2022 and what we can expect from Amazon stock in 2022.

Will Online Sales Grow in the U.S.?

Here in the U.S., Amazon is the undisputed leader of the online retail industry. Data from Statista shows the Seattle-based company held 41% of the U.S.e-commerce market in 2021.

In 2020, online sales skyrocketed as people stayed at home due to COVID-19 and replaced trips to the shopping mall with visits to Amazon’s site. But when brick-and-mortar businesses began reopening in 2021,

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