Debate: Is Amazon good for small business?

Amazon is a seedbed for new small businesses while providing unprecedented opportunities for entrepreneurs and vital convenience and pricing for consumers — a necessary hotrod engine for the U.S. economy. Or, Amazon is a monopoly that bullies its workers and illegally undercuts the businesses it hosts on its platform and, as a result, is an innovation killer and should be regulated by the U.S. government.

Which assertion is true? Both? Neither? This is what Intelligence2 set to find out when it organized its most recent online debate: Amazon Is Good For Small Business.

The provocative premise is intentional, according to the nonpartisan nonprofit which organizes what it calls substantive, informed, critical-thinking-yet-civil debates about the day’s leading issues. And few companies spend more time leading the news than the nation’s largest employer, online retailer and e-commerce cloud kingpin.

Defending the the idea that Amazon is good for small business were

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