Amazon Collaborated With China’s Propaganda Arm to Boost Sales

  • Amazon worked with the Chinese government to restrict reviews on texts by the Communist Party leader. 
  • Reuters revealed this is part of the US e-commerce giant’s mission to expand its reach in China. 
  • They created the portal China Books, a partnership with the Chinese government to sell approved literature. 

Amazon agreed to cooperate with Chinese propaganda after the government issued them an “edict,” Reuters found an investigation

In 2019, Amazon was selling a collection of texts by President Xi Jinping — including “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China” — when Beijing demanded the US e-commerce giant turn off their rating and comments feature after a negative review surfaced. 

These elements are used on the vast majority of Amazon’s products, but they complied with the Chinese government’s demands and removed them from their Chinese site. 

Now, on, the government-published book has 0 customer reviews,

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